THAT the County of Middlesex be advised that Council for the Municipality of Thames Centre RECOMMENDS the issuance of draft plan approval to the County of Middlesex for Application for Draft Plan of Condominium (File No. 39T-TC-CDM2302) requested by Zelinka Priamo Ltd. on behalf of D. Charabin Holdings for lands legally described as Lots 16 to 21 Part of Lot 22 S Ida St, Lots 16 to 18, Part of Lots 19 to 22 N Eva St Part of Sexton St, Block C, Plan 274, Parts 1 to 3 on reference plan 33R10584, in the Municipality of Thames Centre, County of Middlesex, subject to the conditions attached to Report No. PDS-041-24 and subject to a five (5) years lapse period.
AND THAT Official Plan Amendment (File No. O3-23) to redesignate certain lands on Schedule B-1 from ‘Residential’ to ‘Residential Special Policy Area – 1’ for the purpose of establishing a medium density residential development on the lands legally described as Lots 16 to 21 Part of Lot 22 S Ida St, Lots 16 to 18, Part of Lots 19 to 22 N Eva St Part of Sexton St, Block C, Plan 274, Parts 1 to 3 on reference plan 33R10584, in the Municipality of Thames Centre, County of Middlesex, BE ADOPTED and forwarded to the County of Middlesex for consideration of approval.
AND THAT Application for Zoning By-law (Z31-23) be REFERRED back to staff to permit further discussion with the Owner and Agent on the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment.
AND THAT staff be DIRECTED to prepare a recommendation and implementing by-law for Council's consideration at the next regular meeting.