Municipal Office - Council Chambers
4305 Hamilton Road, Dorchester, ON

The Municipal Conflict of Interest Act requires any member of Council declaring a pecuniary interest and the general nature thereof, where the interest of a member of Council has not been disclosed by reason of the member’s absence from the meeting, to disclose the interest at the first open meeting attended by the member of Council and otherwise comply with the Act.

  • Recommended Motion:

    THAT Council adjourn its regular meeting at X:XX p.m. in order to sit as the Court of Revision under the Drainage Act to consider the Op Den Kelder - Paton Drain 2023;
    AND THAT Deputy Mayor Smibert, Councillor Heeman and Councillor Crockett have been appointed to sit as the members of the Court of Revision, with Deputy Mayor Smibert being the Chair. 

  • Recommended Motion:

    THAT the Court of Revision, having met on behalf of the Op Den Kelder – Paton Drain 2023, and with no appeals being submitted, adopt the drainage assessment schedule dated August 16, 2023, as submitted by Spriet Associates Ltd.

  • Recommended Motion:

    THAT the Court of Revision be closed at X:XX p.m. in order to move into Public Meetings pursuant to the Planning Act, to consider applications listed on the November 27, 2023 Council Agenda. 

  • Recommended Motion:

    THAT Application for Zoning By-law Amendment Z30-23 filed by Zelinka Priamo Ltd. c/o Aliyah Richards on behalf of Jack Norman and Roseanne Stalker for lands legally described as Part of Lot 26, Concession 2 (geographic Township of West Nissouri), Municipality of Thames Centre and known municipally as 23061 Nissouri Road, be denied.

  • Recommended Motion:

    THAT Application for Temporary Use/Zoning By-law Amendment (Z32-23), requested by Shelley Hunter for lands legally described as Part of Lot 18, Concession 7 (geographic Township of West Nissouri), Municipality of Thames Centre and known municipally as 6097 Cobble Hills Road, be approved in principle and that staff prepare the necessary by-law for Council’s consideration at the next regular meeting.

  • Recommended Motion:

    THAT Application for Zoning By-law Amendment Z33-23 filed by Heather Rundle and Veronica John on behalf of Mark John and Ryan Rundle for lands legally described as Part of Lot 9, Concession 3, SRT (geographic Township of North Dorchester), Municipality of Thames Centre be approved in principle and that the staff be directed to bring forward the implementing by-law for Council’s consideration at the next regular meeting.

  • Recommended Motion:

    THAT Report No. PDS-072-23 dated November 27, 2023 related to Application for Draft Plan of Condominium (File No. 39T-TC-CDM2301) requested by Zelinka Priamo Ltd. c/o Aliyah Richards on behalf of Putnam Road Holdings Inc. (c/o Ken Rattan) for lands known municipally as 3174 Putnam Road be received;
    AND THAT the Director of Planning and Development Services provide a subsequent report evaluating the said Application, taking into account all public and agency comments received, with a recommendation for Council’s consideration at a future meeting.

  • Recommended Motion:

    THAT the Planning Public Meetings adjourn at X:XX p.m. in order to sit as Committee of Adjustment under the Planning Act, to consider Minor Variance Application A10-23. 

  • Recommended Motion:

    THAT Application for Minor Variance A10-23 submitted by Steve Brown and Anita Fernandes to permit a reduced interior side yard width of 1.2 metres to allow the construction of an addition on the west side of an existing single detached dwelling, compared to the required side yard of 2 metres, for a property known municipally as 146 Byron Avenue, Dorchester, be approved.


    •The general intent and purpose of the Official Plan would be maintained;

    •The general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law would be maintained;

    •The effects of the variance are considered minor in nature; and

    •The variance is desirable for the appropriate use and development of the land.

  • Recommended Motion:

    THAT the Committee of Adjustment adjourn at X:XX p.m. and Council reconvene its regular meeting. 

  • Recommended Motion:

    THAT the minutes of the regular meeting of Council, held on November 14, 2023 be approved as circulated.

Items listed under Consent Agenda are received for information in one motion. Council members may request that one or more item be removed for further action.

  • Recommended Motion:

    THAT Consent Agenda Items 10.1 through 10.3 be received as information. 

  • Recommended Motion:

    THAT Report No. CAO-012-23 be received for information;

    AND THAT the proposed policies, as attached to Report No. CAO-010-23, be adopted as presented;

    AND THAT these proposed policies be added to the Corporate Section of the Thames Centre Policy Manual:

    • “Information Security” Policy (CP-A-11.5)
    • “Malware Protection” Policy (CP-A-11.6)
    • “Wireless Access” Policy (CP-A-11.7)
    • “IT Access Control” Policy (CP-A-11.8)
  • Recommended Motion:

    THAT Report No. CAO-013-23 be received for information;
    AND THAT Council authorize an amending agreement for the provision of Information Technology (IT) Services with the County of Middlesex;
    AND THAT staff be directed to bring forward the agreement and implementing by-law for Council’s consideration at a future meeting.

  • Recommended Motion:

    THAT Report No. CAO-014-23 be received for information;
    AND THAT the 2024-2027 Thames Centre Strategic Plan – Amended Final Draft be approved as presented.

  • Recommended Motion:

    THAT Report No. CAO-015-23 be received for information.

  • Recommended Motion:

    THAT Report No. CAO-016-23 be received for information;
    AND THAT Council authorize staff to enter into an agreement with PSD Citywide Inc. for professional asset management support to continue to build internal Asset Management capacity and to meet reporting directives set out though O. Reg 588/17.

  • Recommended Motion:

    THAT Report No. PW-ES-014-23 be received for information;
    AND THAT Council approve By-law 110-2023, being a by-law to provide for the maintenance, management, imposition and collection of rates and charges in connection with the Municipality of Thames Centre water distribution system and the Municipality of Thames Centre sewage works system, as included in the By-law portion of the November 27, 2023 agenda.

  • Recommended Motion:

    THAT Report No. PW-TS-005-23 be received for information;
    AND THAT the posted speed limit on Mill Road between Christie Drive and 100 meters south of East Gate Pass be reduced from 80km/h to 50km/h;
    AND THAT By-law 29-2019 be amended to reduce the speed along Mill Road, between Christie Drive and 100 meters south of East Gate Pass to 50km per hour;
    AND THAT Staff install the appropriate signage and provide communication to the residents regarding this change.

  • Recommended Motion:

    THAT Report No. CS-017-23 be received for information;
    AND THAT Council approve the Dorchester Cooperative Nursery School’s offer of providing the Municipality with assets in lieu of their rent owing for September 2023, as specified within this report;
    AND THAT Council directs staff to cancel the invoice issued to Dorchester Cooperative Nursery School for October 2023 rent;
    AND THAT Council agrees to terminate the Facility License Agreement with Dorchester Cooperative Nursery School;
    AND THAT Council approve allowing the Senior Centre to continue to use this space for various programs until the renovation project has been completed;
    AND THAT Council directs staff to issue a Request for Proposals for interested parties to submit their Proposal for future use of the space.

  • Recommended Motion:

    THAT Application for Part Lot Control Exemption (PLC-02-23) by Dick Masse Homes Ltd. for lands located on the west side of Shirley Street south of Patrick Street in the village of Thorndale and legally described as Lot 14 on Plan 33M-829 be approved and that the implementing by-law be passed by Council and subsequently forwarded to the County of Middlesex for consideration of approval.

Includes other business items requiring direction.


  • Recommended Motion:

    THAT By-laws 110-2023 through 116-2023 be adopted as presented.

Being a by-law to provide for the maintenance, management, imposition and collection of rates and charges in connection with the Municipality of Thames Centre water distribution system and sewage works system

Being a By-law to appoint a Director of Financial Services/ Treasurer for The Corporation of the Municipality of Thames Centre

Being a By-law to authorize the extension of the existing Agreement with the Solicitor General for the provision of police services for the Municipality of Thames Centre

Being a by-law to exempt from part lot control, lands legally described as Lot 14 on Plan 33M-829, designated as Parts 1 and 2 on Plan 33R-21737 (geographic Township of West Nissouri) in the Municipality of Thames Centre, in the County of Middlesex (Elliott Estates Subdivision, Thorndale)

Being a By-law to authorize the execution of a Temporary Use Agreement
with Shelley Hunter relating to the property at Part of Lot 18, Concession 7 (geographic Township of West Nissouri), now the Municipality of Thames Centre

Being a By-law to amend By-law No. 75-2006, as amended, insofar as it relates to the lands located at Part of Lot 18, Concession 7 (geographic Township of West Nissouri), Municipality of Thames Centre, in the County of Middlesex

Being a By-law to amend By-law No. 29-2019, being a by-law to prescribe a maximum rate of travel on certain sections of highways in the Municipality of Thames Centre

  • Recommended Motion:

    RESOLVED THAT Council adjourn to closed session at X:XX p.m. pursuant to:

    Section 239(2)(b) of the Municipal Act, being "personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees" with respect to committee appointments. 

Being a By-law to adopt, confirm and ratify matters dealt with by resolution of the Municipality of Thames Centre.

  • Recommended Motion:

    THAT By-law 117-2023, being the Confirmatory By-law, be adopted as presented.

Monday, December 11, 2023 at 9:00 a.m. (Budget Meeting)
Monday, December 11, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. 
Tuesday, December 12, 2023 at 9:00 a.m. (Budget Meeting)

  • Recommended Motion:

    RESOLVED THAT the meeting adjourn at X:XX p.m.

No Item Selected