Municipal Office - Council Chambers
4305 Hamilton Road, Dorchester, ON

The Municipal Conflict of Interest Act requires any member of Council declaring a pecuniary interest and the general nature thereof, where the interest of a member of Council has not been disclosed by reason of the member’s absence from the meeting, to disclose the interest at the first open meeting attended by the member of Council and otherwise comply with the Act.

  • Recommended Motion:

    THAT the delegation from John Podeszwa, regarding Wind Turbines in Thames Centre, be received for information.

Tracy Annett, General Manager/Secretary-Treasurer, UTRCA
Brian Petrie, Chair of the Board of Directors, UTRCA

  • Recommended Motion:

    THAT the presentation from Tracy Annett and Brian Petrie of the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority (UTRCA), regarding the 2024 Draft Budget, be received for information.

  • Recommended Motion:

    THAT the minutes of the special meeting of Council, held on December 11, 2023 be approved as circulated;
    AND THAT the minutes of the regular meeting of Council, held on December 11, 2023 be approved as circulated. 

Items listed under Consent Agenda are received for information in one motion. Council members may request that one or more item be removed for further action.

  • Recommended Motion:

    THAT Consent Agenda Items 7.1 through 7.8 be received as information. 

  • Recommended Motion:

    THAT Report No. PW-TS-001-24 Dorchester Road Urbanization – Engineering be received for information;
    AND THAT Spriet Associates London Ltd. be engaged to complete the engineering and design work related to the 2024 capital approved Dorchester Rd Urbanization project for a total cost of $147,552 including rebated HST.

  • Recommended Motion:

    THAT Report No. PW-DR-001-24 of the Drainage Superintendent, dated January 15, 2024, concerning requests received by Justin Diotte for a request for new drainage works, be received for information;

    AND THAT the petitions submitted by Justin Diotte, under Section 4 of the Drainage Act, R.S.O. 1990, for new drainage works, in relation to property located at CON B SRT PT LOT 17 RP 33R16963 Parts 2 to 4 PT Part 1 (former township of North Dorchester) be received and adopted;

    AND THAT Mr. M. P. Devos, of Spriet Associates, be appointed the Engineer to investigate and prepare the necessary drainage report.

Items listed under Reports of Committees are approved by Council in one motion. Council members may request that one or more items be removed for further action.

  • Recommended Motion:

    THAT Reports of Committees Agenda Items 9.1 and 9.2 be approved as presented.

Resolution: TDPAC-30-2023
Moved by: K. Hallman
Seconded by: J. Wischlinski

THAT Report No. C-TDPAHC-001-2023, Thorndale Dog Park Construction Update be received for information

AND THAT a "soft" opening date of January 5, 2024 be set.


Resolution: TDPAC-31-2023
Moved by: S. Williams
Seconded by: L. Barnes

THAT Report No. C-TDPAHC-002-23 be received for information;

AND THAT the Thorndale Dog Park Ad Hoc Committee recommends that the Municipality enter into an agreement with the Thorndale Lions Club for the naming rights of the Thorndale Dog Park for the sum of $7,500.00, as per the terms outlined within the report;


Resolution: TDPAC-33-2023
Moved by: K. Hallman
Seconded by: J. Wischlinski

THAT the funds and fundraising monies remaining after the core costs are covered for the Thorndale Dog Park are hereby allocated towards the purchase of amenities, up to $30,000.


Includes other business items requiring direction.


  • Recommended Motion:

    THAT By-law 102-2023 be given third and final reading;
    AND THAT By-laws 1-2024 through 6-2024 be adopted as presented.

Being a By-law to provide for drainage works in the Municipality of Thames Centre and the County of Middlesex for the borrowing on the credit of the Municipality of Thames Centre, the sum of $209,400.00 being the amount to be contributed for the completion of the same.

THIRD AND FINAL READING (First and Second readings completed on October 30, 2023)

Being a By-law to authorize borrowing from time to time to meet current expenditures during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024

Being a By-law to provide for an Interim Tax Levy

Being a By-law to Constitute and Appoint a Committee of Adjustment for the Municipality of Thames Centre

Being a By-law to adopt the the 2024 Operating and Capital Budget Estimates

Being a By-law to appoint a By-law Enforcement Officer, Property Standards Officer and Risk Management Inspector for the Municipality of Thames Centre.

Being a By-law to adopt, confirm and ratify matters dealt with by resolution of the Municipality of Thames Centre.

Monday, January 29, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. 
Monday, February 12, 2023 at 5:00 p.m.

  • Recommended Motion:

    RESOLVED THAT the meeting adjourn at X:XX p.m.

No Item Selected