Hybrid Council Meeting (Virtual and In-Person)
Municipal Office - Council Chambers
4305 Hamilton Road Dorchester, ON

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  • Recommended Motion:

    THAT the February 26, 2024 Regular Council Meeting Agenda be approved as circulated.

The Municipal Conflict of Interest Act requires any member of Council declaring a pecuniary interest and the general nature thereof, where the interest of a member of Council has not been disclosed by reason of the member’s absence from the meeting, to disclose the interest at the first open meeting attended by the member of Council and otherwise comply with the Act.

  • Recommended Motion:

    THAT Council adjourn its regular meeting at X:XX p.m. and move into Public Meetings pursuant to the Planning Act, to consider applications listed on the February 26, 2024 Council Agenda.

  • Recommended Motion:

    THAT Report No. PDS-013-24, with respect to Applications for Draft Plan of Condominium (39T-TC-CDM2304) and Zoning By-law Amendment (Z34-23) submitted by Stewart Findlater on behalf of 1732435 Ontario Limited for lands known municipally as 21829 Nissouri Road, Thorndale, be received for information;

    AND THAT the Director of Planning and Development Services provide a subsequent report evaluating the said Applications, taking into account all public and agency comments received, with a recommendation for Council’s consideration at a future meeting.

  • Recommended Motion:

    THAT Application for Zoning By-law Amendment (Z35-23) filed by GSP Group Inc. on behalf of Linda Reid, and as amended with the addition of a retail store as an additional permitted use to the requested Highway Commercial (HC) Zone, for lands legally described as Part of Lot 1, Concession 4 (geographic Township of West Nissouri), Municipality of Thames Centre and known municipally as 20022 Fairview Road, be approved in principle and that planning staff be directed to prepare the necessary Zoning By-law Amendment for Council’s consideration at the next regular meeting;
    AND THAT no further notice be required pursuant to Section 34(17) of the Planning Act.

  • Recommended Motion:

    THAT the Planning Public Meetings adjourn at X:XX p.m. in order to sit as Committee of Adjustment under the Planning Act, to consider the application listed on the February 26, 2024 Council Agenda. 

  • Recommended Motion:

    THAT Application for Minor Variance A1-24 submitted by Steve Anjema to permit the expansion of an existing building in the form of a custom workshop with a reduced interior side yard width of 6.2 metres for a property legally described as Part of Lot 24, Concession 3, SRT (geographic Township of North Dorchester), Municipality of Thames Centre, designated as Part 1 on Plan 33R3496 and known municipally as 4386 Westchester Bourne, be approved.


    • The general intent and purpose of the Official Plan would be maintained;
    • The general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law would be maintained;
    • The effects of the variance are considered minor in nature; and
    • The variance is desirable for the appropriate use and development of the land.
  • Recommended Motion:

    THAT the Committee of Adjustment adjourn at X:XX p.m. and Council reconvene its regular meeting. 

  • Recommended Motion:

    THAT the minutes of the regular meeting of Council, held on February 12, 2024 be approved as circulated.

Items listed under Consent Agenda are received for information in one motion. Council members may request that one or more item(s) be separated for further action.

Resolutions Received From:

  • Town of South Bruce Peninsula
  • Township of Ramara
  • Township of Amaranth
  • Western Ontario Wardens' Caucus
  • Township of Lucan Biddulph
  • Recommended Motion:

    THAT the Council of the Municipality of Thames Centre supports Consent Agenda Item 10.1, requesting that the Province of Ontario commit to undertaking with the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, a comprehensive social and economic prosperity review to promote the stability and sustainability of municipal finances across Ontario;
    AND THAT this resolution be sent to The Premier of Ontario Doug Ford, Hon. Peter Bethlenfalvy - Ontario's Minister of Finance, Rob Flack - MPP, and the Association of Municipalities of Ontario. 

  • Recommended Motion:

    THAT the Council of the Municipality of Thames Centre supports Consent Agenda Item 10.2, advocating to the provincial and federal levels of government to make them aware that rural and small urban water and wastewater systems are financially unsustainable, and advocating to the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO), the Rural Ontario Municipalities Association (ROMA) and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) to examine the unaffordability of water and wastewater system operational costs is systemic provincially and nationally;
    AND THAT a copy of this resolution be circulated to the Honourable Doug Ford, Premier of Ontario; the Honourable Kinga Surma, Minister of Infrastructure (Ontario); the Honourable Dominic LeBlanc, Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs, Infrastructure and Communities (Canada); the Honourable Paul Calandra, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the Honourable Andrea Khanjin, Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (Ontario), Karen Vecchio, MP, Rob Flack, MPP, AMO, ROMA, and FCM. 

  • Recommended Motion:

    THAT Report No. LS-005-24 be received for information;
    AND THAT Council approve the attendance at the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) 2024 Conference for the Mayor and Deputy Mayor.

Items listed under Reports of Committees are approved by Council in one motion.  Council Members may request that one or more item(s) be separated for further action. 

  • Recommended Motion:

    THAT Reports of Committees Agenda Items 12.1 through 12.3 be approved as presented.

THAT Correspondence Items 6a) - 6d) be received as information;
AND THAT the Thames Centre Police Services Board supports Chair Maudsley's continued involvement with the Ontario Association of Police Services Boards (OAPSB) as a Board Member.

THAT Canada Day Events be scheduled for Sunday, June 30th, 2024 and Monday, July 1st, 2024:
AND THAT Bridgefest be renamed to “Cornfest”, be relocated to the Dorchester Community Park, and be scheduled for Saturday, September 7th, 2024;
two Movie Nights be scheduled in 2024, one in Dorchester and one in Thorndale.

Includes other business items requiring direction.


  • Recommended Motion:

    THAT By-Laws 16-2024 through 18-2024 be adopted as presented.

Being a By-law to amend the Municipality of Thames Centre Official Plan - 1000336703 Ontario Inc. (c/o Randy MacKay). Part of Lot 15, Concession 3 (geographic Township of West Nissouri) Municipality of Thames Centre, County of Middlesex

Being a By-Law to authorize civil marriage solemnization service in the Municipality of Thames Centre

Being a By-Law to adopt, confirm and ratify matters dealt with by resolution of the Municipality of Thames Centre.

Monday, March 11, 2024 at 5:00 p.m.
Monday, March 25, 2024 at 5:00 p.m.

  • Recommended Motion:

    RESOLVED THAT the meeting adjourn at X:XX p.m.

No Item Selected