THAT Report No. CAO-10-24 be RECEIVED for information;
AND THAT the 2025 Proposed Capital Budget of $10,797,383 be APPROVED IN PRINCIPLE, as presented;
AND THAT the 2025 Proposed Operating Budget be APPROVED IN PRINCIPLE, as presented, including a tax levy of increase of 2.5%;
AND THAT a Capital Infrastructure levy of 1% be APPROVED;
AND THAT the Proposed 2025 Water Rate increase of 2.5% be APPROVED as per Section 6.5 of the 2020 Thames Centre Water & Wastewater Rate Study;
AND THAT the Proposed 2025 Wastewater Rate increase of 2% be APPROVED as per Section 6.5 of the 2020 Thames Centre Water & Wastewater Rate Study;
AND THAT staff be DIRECTED to prepare the necessary Budget By-law for the first regular meeting of Council in 2025