THAT Applications for Consent B19-24 and B20-22, to facilitate the creation of two (2) industrial lots requested by SBM Limited Planning and Engineering on behalf of 2768220 Ontario Inc. (Rob Pattyn) having lot frontages of approximately 35 metres and 86 metres, respectively, along the south side of Gerald Parkway and lot areas of approximately 2.2 hectares and 2.3 hectares, for lands described as Part of Lot 14, Concession 2 (geographic Township of West Nissouri), Municipality of Thames Centre be APPROVED, subject to the following conditions:
- That the Certificate of Consent under Section 53(42) of the Planning Act,1990 be given within two years of the date of the notice of the decision for each consent.
- That the Owner provide cash-in-lieu of parkland dedication to the Municipality pursuant to the Planning Act equal to 2% of the value of the land.
- That the lots to be severed be serviced individually with municipal water and wastewater connections along Gerald Parkway to each property line, as well as the installation of a fire hydrant on Gerald Parkway at the northeast corner of the westernmost lot to be severed; and that the road surface of Gerald Parkway including curb and gutter as well as a storm sewer be extended east of the said lots including the installation of a cul-de-sac at the west end of Gerald Parkway and that all costs in this regard shall be borne by applicant and that this work be undertaken subject to the necessary permits and to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works.
- That the applicant dedicate an easement in favour of the Municipality of Thames Centre to apply to the portion of the proposed cul-de-sac at the west end of Gerald Parkway that extends beyond the current road allowance.
- That all applicable property taxes, municipal fees and charges be paid to the Municipality prior to the stamping of the deeds.
- That all outstanding work orders or by-law enforcement issues be resolved to the satisfaction of the Chief Building Official.
- That the necessary deeds, transfers and charges for certificates and/or instruments necessary for registration be submitted electronically.
- That an electronic version of a deposited reference plan be submitted to legally describe the lands affected and in general conformity with this decision, all to the satisfaction of the Municipality.